Thursday, September 18, 2014

Get An Accident Lawyer Before You Talk To The Insurance Company

Insurance is something that everyone should have for their own protection. However, you should never assume that the company's primary goal is to make sure that you are all right. Their chief motivation is always to make sure that they are making as much money as possible, and this means avoiding paying out more money than they absolutely have to when they receive a claim. Before you talk to an insurance company or accept a settlement offer, you should speak to a car accident lawyer who can help to assess your case and give you a more complete understanding of what is involved.

A lawyer like Bernstein often consults with clients who aren't sure whether they really need legal representation. They may have already gotten a settlement offer from the insurance company, or they may be wondering if they are even entitled to one. Either way, a good firm takes the time to look over someone's case in a brief consultation and gives them a sense of where they stand with regard to the law. Sometimes, people who think that they might be the ones responsible for the accident learn that it was probably ultimately actually road conditions that led to a crash. This kind of knowledge can keep individuals from making the grave mistake of not seeking the compensation that is due to them.

Even if you don't have money available to pay an attorney, you should not allow this to keep you from seeking representation if you need it. Accident lawyers are willing to work on a contingency basis, which means that they provide the legal services at no charge up front in return for a percentage of whatever judgment or settlement they are able to get for you. That way, you only have to pay if they win and it is guaranteed to never be more than you can afford based on the settlement that comes out of the case.

You can go to to learn more about available services and how to set up an appointment. Don't assume that you're probably just wasting the lawyer's time. They are happy to look at every case to make sure that the people who need help will get it.